Friday 17 December 2010

connor glyptis

this has been my 1st term in yellow i like doing dt it been fun and i make a jake in a box and i been work on the machine it been fun and i have been sawing it been fun the end .


1st term in yellow class

This term was fun (except the homework) i would like to do
better in DT and the DT blogs.

                                 merry christmas by christopher smith yellow class
i have had a fun term it was call when we did stig it was fun and call and my maths has inproved but it is boring

From liam

ehen i was whaching stig was grat fun and it was a cave he was living and i never saw one bit of  bit of it.

ricky smith

my best lesun rus stig it run so good i rill like to do it agen and i recun my maths as got betur tis year

all abat thes tearm

I learnt som things that i never nu and i learnd wot a pentsal diav  and i won to learn mor freanch
and i had compliytid a bt all bayst on the titanic and i i now wot i kan do from skratch